Monday, April 16, 2012

Review: Miracle For Jen

Miracle For Jen
by Linda Barrick, Joni Eareckson Tada (foreword) , John Perry( Contributor)
Published : March 1st, 2012
Publisher: Tyndale Publishing House
Hard back 280 pages

(summary - Goodreads)
On the night of November 5, 2006, the Barrick family was driving home from church when their van was struck by a drunk driver. Fifteen-year-old Jen suffered multiple skull fractures and severe brain trauma and was not expected to survive the night. But against all odds, she did. As she lingered in a coma, doctors warned that if Jen ever woke up, she would be cursing and screaming in confusion due to her brain injuries. Instead, after five weeks she opened her eyes and began praying and praising God. Jen didn't remember her middle name, recognize her parents, or recall that she had a little brother, but she remembered Jesus and every word to every praise song and scripture she had hidden in her heart before the accident. As any loving mother would, Jen's mother Linda wanted God to heal Jen, make her like she was before. Normal. But a loving God had something else in mind--instead of making her normal, God is making Jennifer and the whole Barrick family--extraordinary, miraculous. Hope Out Loud is the remarkable true story of a family who overcame tragedy and learned to trust God's plan for their lives in a whole new way.

This book touched me profoundly which is what makes writing this review so hard , because how do you write a review about a book that rocks you to the core? , how can you properly convey that? I'm going to try to the best of my ability to explain what is so great about this book. Miracle For Jen to me was a modern relive story of Job. Many people believe that now days Miracle only happen to in the Bible, but after reading Miracle For Jen and seeing what this family persevered through , I don't know anyone can not believe in miracles.

As I read through this story , I became connected this with the family . They laid their hearts out in this book and showed their faith as well as there frailties. I loved how Jen's journals were shared as she began her quest for boldness before she ever was in the accident, it was a great insight and really shows you a bit of what God said " ask and you shall receive." God took what could have been a tragic and turned it into a Miracle . The pictures in this book shocked me and amazed me. Seeing the car and how mangled it was , their is no doubt that God's hand was upon this family that night and spared them to do great things.

The miracles didn't stop with just the survival of the family , but continued into their recovery. This book was that of faith and family in the middle of what could have been heartbreak . According to doctor's Jen should not have woken up like she did if not at all , it was incredible to read how clear her faith in God was , how she never once stumbled when God put the words into her mouth . I'm glad that I was able to see how the family dealt with all that was going on , I know as a mother its so very hard for us not to fix the pain when it comes to our children being hurt. It can be very hard to lose that control considering we think we know whats best for our kids , but in this book you get to see how a mother has to be reminded that there is a God that is bigger than we are and who better than to take care of our children than the one who created them .

I recommend , no scratch that, I dare you to read this book .. I dare you to embrace the fact that miracles still happen. I hope this book envelopes you the way it did me and that is changes the way you look at faith and perhaps Miracle For Jen will effect you like it has so many others.

GIVEAWAY!!!Want a chance to read this book for Free: Miracle Jen Giveaway

Her are a couple of links for you to check out :
Tyndale Publishing
Hope Out Loud
Get Jen's jewelry

(I was in no way compensated for my review other than receiving the book , all opinions are my own )
my review of Miracle Jen can be found : Goodreads, blog, Amazon, FB, Tyndale
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